• Beatriz Fainholc
Keywords: Virtual worlds., Immersive technologies, Cultural contextualization, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Incognita, Education


This is a contribution that reflects on the potential offerings of immersive technologies, such as metaverses in education, augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. These are modalities of virtual worlds embedded within the context of today's global digital society and culture. The aim is to clarify the role of the virtual worlds and their associated software through the algorithms to know more of their impact on physical, virtual, or hybrid educational programs. The convergence of these in-person and virtual software modalities involves significant educational discussions when considering the capture of reality through technological interfaces, facilitating digital interactions for learning and teaching. To study the generation of virtual learning environments, not just as didactic resources but within a broader conception of the production of knowledge, requires a systemic-holistic approach with a theoretical-practical inscription within an epistemological-pedagogical framework in the world of software. This article describes some characteristics, potential advantages, limitations, impacts, and unknown issues of these digital programs in formal and informal education. It also it considers the criticisms that call for deeper scientific-technological-educational studies, particularly regarding the increasing the virtuality and the real artificial intelligence in our lives and, its relationship towards a genuine educational improvement. Education, in terms of conception and practice mediated by new technologies, should be approached with caution and prudence, encouraging reflective and creative thinking to devise proposals for unknown futures, especially within the digital cultural times.


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