Keywords: Self-regulated learning, Teacher training, Integration to higher education


This work aims to describe and analyze an experience oriented for math teacher training, based on reflections of the book “Cartas do Gervásio ao seu umbigo: Comprometer-se com o estudar na educação superior”, 2017 – 2nd edition. From reading and reflection of five letters, group discussions were made about self-regulated central themes, such as goal setting, time management and procrastination control. The activity was developed during remote classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic and had the participation of 17 students of undergraduate courses in mathematics. The data collection sources used were oral and written narratives. Results indicate that the meetings made reflections about the self-regulating process possible, but also about learning strategies based on each context and about higher education integration. The initiative also represented a welcome space, experience sharing and difficulty between the participants. The study indicated the importance and necessity of qualified spaces that integrate theory and practice in search of better conditions of learning and permanence in higher education.



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Author Biography

Rodrigo Oliveira Moreira, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Atualmente é licenciando em Matemática na Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), atua como bolsista do projeto GAMA: Grupo de Apoio em Matemática, e colaborador do Projeto LEIAA: Laboratório de Estudos e Investigações em Aprendizagem Autorregulada. Tem experiência na área de Matemática, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: autorregulação da aprendizagem e apoio em matemática. Tem formação técnica em Comunicação Visual pelo Instituto Federal de Ciências e Suas Tecnologias Sul Rio-Grandense Campus Pelotas (IFSUL).


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