• Mauricio Ramos Lutz Instituto Federal Farroupilha
  • Luísa Dinele Montanha Marques Galarça


The present research aimed to investigate how teachers articulate the content of fractions in the final years of elementary school, based on what is stated in textbooks and the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). The data were collected from an interview with seven mathematics teachers who are working in the classroom. The interviewees commented that one way to facilitate the teaching of fractions is to work with concrete materials. With the use of these materials the student may have fewer difficulties in his learning, because he can more easily perceive the concept. Moreover, it was found that in the books approved by the National Textbook Program the concept of fraction is always presented from a contextualization, however, it is not presented explicitly. We also noticed that the interviewees have knowledge about the BNCC. In addition, they commented on the importance of initial and continuing education courses to study it, because this is how teachers can appropriate the content, competencies and skills that should be developed at each stage of the student's school life.


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