• Vinícius Viana Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Sheila Stolz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Keywords: LGBTQIA people, Combating discrimination, Human rights, Political representativeness, Principles of Yogyakarta, Social justice


Against the backdrop of a democratic setback that took place in Brazil a few years ago, the 2020 Electoral Election expanded the LGBTQIA+ representation contingent in the municipal legislative chambers, giving visibility to diversity. So, the objective is to understand the reasons that led to the growth of LGBTQIA+ representativeness which, among its agendas, seeks the realization of the collective's Human Rights. The analyzes presented in this article are the result of research carried out with the Research Group (CNPq): LAW, GENDER AND PLURAL IDENTITIES (DGIPLUS) and the Disciplines Law, Diversity and Social Inclusion, of the Master Course in Law and Social Justice at the Federal University of Rio Grande (PPGDJS/FURG). Methodologically, such research was based on the bibliographical appreciation of works that are notoriously references on the subject. Furthermore, data from the investigations carried out by the following government agencies were used as a means of reflective and evidential support: the National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD) and the Special Secretariat for Human Rights (SEDH). Information, data, and normative analysis of two international institutions were also consulted, namely: the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and the International Service of Human Rights (ISHR). In addition, we examined the surveys made public by the following non-governmental organizations: internationally, Transgender Europe (TGEU) and ILGA World and, in Brazil, those of the Gay Group of Bahia (GGB) and the National Association of Transvestites and Transsexuals (ANTRA).


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Author Biographies

Vinícius Viana Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Pós-Graduado em Ciências Políticas pela Universidade Cândido Mendes (UCAM), Pós-Graduado em Sociologia pela Faculdade Única de Ipatinga (FUNIP). Pós-Graduando em Educação em Direitos Humanos pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (PGEDH/FURG) e Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito e Justiça Social (Mestrado) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FaDir/FURG/RS).

Sheila Stolz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Professora Associada do Curso de Direito e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito e Justiça Social (Mestrado) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FaDir/FURG/RS). Doutora em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC/RS), com bolsa do Programa de Doutorado Sanduíche no Exterior (PDSE-CAPES) realizado na Facultad de Derecho da Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM/Madri/Espanha). Mestre em Direito pela Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF/Barcelona/Espanha). Coordenadora Geral do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em Direitos Humanos (NUPEDH/FURG). Coordenadora da especialização em Educação em Direitos Humanos (PGEDH/FURG-UAB-CAPES).
