• Tharine Louise Gonçalves Caires Universidade Federal de Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.
  • Ana Beatriz Laureta dos Santos Oliveira Universidade Federal de Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.
  • Jordana Aleluia Castilho Universidade Federal Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.
  • Karen Ketelly de Freitas Pires Universidade Federal Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.
Keywords: Breastfeeding, Support network, Public health


Breastfeeding Is Recommended as the primary means of feeding and preventing disease for the
infant. Breastfeeding Begins in the puerperium, which is considered a period of vulnerability to
the woman's mental health, due to the physiological, hormonal and social changes that occur
in this period. Therefore, the family and professional support network is an important tool to
ensure the reception and success of breastfeeding, considering that insecurity, stress and anxiety

are characteristic of the puerperium, and can favor early weaning. The ProAmamenta Interdis-
ciplinary Extension Project, comprise of the Nursing and Psychology courses, a instapromote

health education and childcare for women who have recently given birth, making it possible for
them, through the accumulated knowledge, to overcome their fears in relation to breastfeeding.
Duetothe COVID-19 pandemic, the project has been running remotely since March 2020. The use
of the digital platforms allowed for a greater reach and interaction with the community, as well
as the possibility of expanding the discussions on the theme through the realization o flectures
broadcast live by Instagram. Currently, the project is building its face-to-face return to continue
providing guidance women who have recently given birth and their families. The project has
contributed significantly to the process of breastfeeding manywomen, mainly in psychological
orientation and about the importance this practice has for all involved: woman, child, family
and community.


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Author Biographies

Tharine Louise Gonçalves Caires, Universidade Federal de Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.

Doutora em Enfermagem pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Docente do Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Catalão (UFCAT)

Ana Beatriz Laureta dos Santos Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.

Discente do curso de Psicologia, Universidade Federal de Catalão - UFCAT.

Jordana Aleluia Castilho, Universidade Federal Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.

Acadêmica do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem na Universidade Federal de Catalão - UFCAT.


Karen Ketelly de Freitas Pires, Universidade Federal Catalão. Goiânia-GO, Brasil.

Discente do curso de Graduação em Enfermagem na Universidade Federal de Catalão - UFCAT.


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