Development of informational materials related to Covid-19 and its dissemination on social media in the pandemic

  • Renata Marques de Oliveira
  • Amanda Márcia dos Santos Reinaldo
  • Elton Junio Sady Prates
  • Daniel Nunes Pinto
  • Luiza Clarindo Souza
  • Ana Carolina Campos Coelho
Keywords: Pandemics;, Access to information, Social networking, Educational and promotional materials, Health


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of the population, infodemia and disinformation are challenges in the pandemic scenario. The aim of the study was to analyze the development and dissemination of materials to promote health education through social media. Applied research with the development and dissemination, from March 2020 to March 2021, of flyers through Instagram. Five flyers registered more impressions according to Instagram metrics: 1) Compliance with sanitary measures to prevent reinfection and as a sign of respect for others (391); 2) Anti-vaccine movements (299); 3) Sindemia and Covid-19 (279); 4) Remote relationships (236) and 5) Alcohol abuse during a pandemic (235). Flyers reached, through Instagram, an expressive number of people, from the most different locations and age groups. Design strategies were adopted in order to make the content attractive to social media users with good results. The concern to align the definition of themes, in each cycle of work, with the interests of the population was confirmed by consulting on Google Trends the subjects most searched by Internet users at different times of the pandemic.


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