The collection of the Documental Memory of the city of São Paulo:

contributions to the History of educational heritage

Keywords: Documentary memory; Educational marriage; School material culture.


The aim of the article is to problematize the role of school artifacts in the constitution of memory and identity of the school in São Paulo. It takes as object the historical collection of the Documental Memory, of the Municipal Secretary of Education, which keeps a valuable document mass about the history of Education in the city of São Paulo since the 1930s. The methodological procedures are anchored in the History of Material Culture. The evidence found in this collection emerges as cultural patrimony, heritage and memory of something that has been consolidated over time and that refers to the identity of the school in the city of São Paulo


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Author Biography

Eduardo Bezerra de Souza , Universidade Federal de São Paulo (

Doutorando pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Membro do Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas sobre o Ensino de Língua e Literatura  (NIPELL). Atua como assistente técnico de educação na Divisão Pedagógica da Secretaria Municipal de Educação  (SME) – São Paulo.
