auto-análise de uma experiência - o caso do convênio UFRGS/UFPel

  • Denise Leite
  • Maria Isabel da Cunha
Keywords: institutional evaluation, higher education, university, interinstitutional convention, post-graduate programs in education


In 1992, during a meeting of ANPED, an interinstitutional group was formed, which started developing conjunct research about the revitalization of undergraduate teaching. The approach of the researchers in the exercise of the researching activity mobilized contacts with the Post- Graduate Program in Education of UFRGS, motivating the realization of a convention for the implantation of the Master's Program in Education at UFPEL. At the end of four years of voluntary activities of the teachers of the oldest university, the new program received an evaluation from CAPES, which, in practice, disregarded the existence of the convention. Teachers, researchers and students of both institutions made analyses of the advances obtained and the losses deriving from varied causes, and of the adjustment to the evaluative model of CAPES. This paper opens the discussion of the history, the process of development and the results of the interinstitutional convention, making a reflection and a criticism of the ways and aims of institutional evaluation.


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