An opening to get to know the subjects and the possible universes

  • Alfredo Ghiso
Keywords: Educative Investigation, Investigation Ecologies, Subjects, Construction of Knowledge


This article tries a style of educative investigation which is able to state the problem of movement in reality, and of reality, besides recovering, at the same time, the subject who is in motion, in order to take the change of reality into consideration. To do that, I propose strategies and situations in which the subjects can overcome the traditional ways of understanding, of joining theory and practice together. They will know that such movement will not eliminate uncertainties, mainly when it is an innovative movement that aims at problematizing and questioning certainties. Four movements that have their implications in the theoretical, methodological and operative fields are suggested. The movements are: Move from theoretical platforms that are arrival and departure points, to investigation ecologies; Move from the law, the norm, the manuals, the investigative pattern, to grammars that describe and express the experience upon which reflection was carried out; Get away from homogenizing and imposed postulates that hinder looks at the difference; Go beyond value neutrality and take on the ethical principle that emphasizes centrality of the subjects over the objects and the means used in the investigation.


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