CNC machines (computer numerically controlled) are characterized as high-precision tools and currently stand out in the production of parts on industrial scales, due to the fact that they present good advantages during the manufacturing process, as they are agile and efficient. This CNC milling cutter project for prototyping printed circuit boards has the main objective of achieving and sizing a model that is low-cost and accessible, by carrying out studies of the elements that make up the machine and its operation, as well as defining of all mechanical, electrical and electronic parts, as they are essential factors for its control. To design the project, 3D modeling and analysis of CAD (Computer Aided Design) / CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software was used as a reference, to generate the G-Code, making it possible to determine the design parameters. The code (G-Code), in turn, is imported into the Arduino/CNC Shield, which in turn, will control the machine's electromechanical transmission system, through movements of the milling tool on the work table, starting production. of the circuit board designed in software. From this project, it is concluded that after carrying out the entire study of the theoretical basis on the functioning and adequate sizing of the milling machine elements, as well as 3D modeling, it will be possible to build a prototype for prototyping printed circuit boards.
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