• Eréndira Dolores Camarena Ortiz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Rosa Lucha Cuadros Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Barcelona, España


This article is part of a research on life stories, but from a very specific area, which is the beginning of learning a foreign language in a school environment, carried out through discourse analysis with a group of students from the National School of Languages, Linguistics and Translation (ENALLT) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The stories in Spanish of the first experiences of the students studying a foreign language are analyzed: they are reconstructed through the written narratives of the young students, some relevant moments, people, circumstances, situations, conflicts, encounters that have come together in one sense or another, in their way of perceiving, feeling and learning a foreign language. We conceive foreign language education as an essential part of students’ lives and as one of the turning points for their performance in the years of higher education that are just beginning.


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