• Itamá Winicius do Nascimento Silva Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Keywords: Dependent capitalism, Underdevelopment, Latin America, Brazil


Facing the centenary of Florestan Fernandes, I try , through theoretical research, to instigate a discussion that brings him closer to the Marxist Dependence Theory. Based on Bresser Pereira, I defend the approximation between Fernandes and the dependency theorists regarding the interpretation of dependent capitalism in Latin America and Brazil. The result of this research shows the convergence of these authors in three points: a) criticism of the explanatory model that tries to overcome underdevelopment through national control of productive activities; b) denouncing the limitations and impotence of the local bourgeoisie; c) and the defense of the construction of socialism as the only political alternative capable of overcoming underdevelopment. The agreement among these points make Florestan and the depend ency theorists different from the national developmentalist perspective and intellectuals of Uspian sociology, transforming them into members of what Bresser Pereira coined as an interpretation of super Pereira coined as an interpretation of super--exploitation. Among the objectives of this exploitation. Among the objectives of this  work, I hiwork, I highlight the rescue of the works of dependency theorists. In addition, ghlight the rescue of the works of dependency theorists. In addition, debating the nature and dynamics of dependent capitalism is relevant to debating the nature and dynamics of dependent capitalism is relevant to understanding recent political processes in Latin America in general and in Brazil in understanding recent political processes in Latin America in general and in Brazil in particular. Resistance to soparticular. Resistance to social changes, whether within or against order, in addition cial changes, whether within or against order, in addition to the alliance between local and foreign bourgeoisieto the alliance between local and foreign bourgeoisie,, show the currentness and show the currentness and relevance of  discussing dependent capitalism in a theoretical approach.relevance of discussing dependent capitalism in a theoretical approach.


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Author Biography

Itamá Winicius do Nascimento Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (PPGS-UFPE) e bolsista pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).
