
O caso da COOPROAF no Território Médio Rio das Contas – BA

  • Monira Matos
  • José Raimundo Lima
  • Wescley de Oliveira Santos
Keywords: cooperativism, local development, family farming


Cooperativism is a model of social organization that fulfills an essential multidimensional role for the development of communities since it is suported by economic, political, social and cultural pillars. In view of this, the reflection that this work proposes to raise is necessary, since it focuses on certain theoretical and practical aspects of cooperativism and cooperatives, pondering the transformations caused and the impacts generated in the economy and in society, apreciating the cooperative movement as a determining factor in local development in different economic and social spaces. This research is a case study of the Cooperative for the Production and Marketing of Family Agriculture Products in the Southwest of Bahia cooperative-COOPROAF. The results and conclusions, although limited to the particularities of only one cooperative under study, may generate answers and subsidies for reflection on cooperativism as important strategy to boost local development. It is noticeable in the face of the research that there was an improvement in the quality of life of the members, also generating income in addition to the many challenges faced daily.


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Author Biographies

Monira Matos

Mestranda em Planejamento Territorial (UEFS)

José Raimundo Lima

Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), Doutor em Educação e Contemporaneidade (UNEB).

Wescley de Oliveira Santos

Mestrando em Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente (UESC-BA).


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