The text refers to a visual memory of the extension, whose main objective is to present the
experiences in the MathLibras project and report the challenges felt by two scholars from the
Film and Audiovisual Course, in the second half of 2022, the period of entry into the project. This
visual memory aims to highlight the challenges of understanding a new language, the multidis-
ciplinary experience and the initial study on Visual Pedagogy carried out in the project, which is a partnership between the Institute of Physics and Mathematics and the Center for Letters and
Communication, linked to the University Federal of Pelotas. MathLibras is a project that aims to
produce video lessons for teaching basic Mathematics in Libras. The team is multidisciplinary,
made up of deaf and hearing professors, scholarship holders, master's and doctoral students
from various areas of expertise. The productions of the fellows stand out, from the editing,
animation and subtitling of the video classes that were recorded in 2019, before the pandemic,
and the process of familiarization with the pedagogical proposal of the project.
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LEBEDEFF, T. B.; GRUTZMANN, T. P. Visualidade na educação: reflexões sobre sua importância e possibilidades de uso em sala de aula. Educação Matemática em Revista - RS. v. 2, n.22, 2021.p.160-167.
NOGUEIRA, C. M. I. (Org). Surdez, inclusão e matemática. Curitiba: CRV, 2013.
GRUTZMANN, T. P.; LEBEDEFF, T. B. MathLibras. Revista Espaço. INES. Rio de Janeiro. n. 55. jan-jun. 2021. p. 275-279.
GRUTZMANN, T. P.; LEBEDEFF, T. B.; ALVES, R. da S.; Recursos visuais para o ensino de matemática: uma discussão sobre o MathLibras. Revista Espaço. INES. Rio de Janeiro. n. 52. jul-dez. 2019.