Pet Farmácia/UFRJ instagram and podcast

tools for dissemination scientific information during the pandemic of covid-19

  • Felipe Alexandre Ferreira da Silva
  • Nicolas Fontenele Callipo
  • Larissa Santos
  • Adressa Nunes Furtado
  • Mariana Sato de Souza Bustamante Monteiro
Keywords: Extension, Health, Podcasts, Instagram


The extension activities of the Tutorial Education Program group (PET), from the Pharmacy, of UFRJ, has been developed face-to-face as part of the project “Useful information about medici- nes and health promotion: Emancipation of the individual concerning his self-care”, with young people from public schools, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. However, with the Pandemic of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the National Health Council (CNS) started to recommend an extended social distance, which caused the suspension of all face-to-face higher education activities. The objective of this work is to present the adjustments made in the extension activities developed by the PET Pharmacy group during the pandemic period. The group restructured its activities to the remote format, using the social network Instagram, and audio files distributed online, the Podcasts. Since the creation of the Instagram page @ petfarma.ufrj, in April 2020, 138 posts have been developed, and three Podcast episodes. The activities carried out followed the guidelines of university extension, dialogic interaction, interdisciplinarity and interprofessionality, insepa- rability between teaching-research and extension, impact on student education and impact and social transformation. Therefore, it was possible to provide access to information in the health area at this time of pandemic.


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