Dac live streaming

constructing possibilities of accomplishing university extension in pandemic contexts

  • Luciano da Costa Nazario
  • Leonardo Roman Ultramari
  • Débora Medeiros do Amaral
Keywords: University extension practices, COVID-19 pandemic, Music education, Musical performance, Culture


The DAC Live Streaming project aimed to collaborate with training in the field of music, offering reflections and discussions focused on performance and music education through interviews that took place on the social media of the Federal University of Rio Grande. The project had different partner institutions and strengthened the creation of a plural and powerful network, which, through dialogue, exchange and sharing, sought to value experiences in different educa- tional and social contexts. As a result, the experience within this project provided us with three lessons: (a) the transposition of physical boundaries; (b) qualification of registration practices; and (c) the construction of other temporal relationships.


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