Learning anatomy of the locomotor and respiratory system through @cbartesuneb’s Instagram account

  • Carina Oliveira dos Santos
  • Jaine de Souza Bomfim
  • Franciane da Silva Nascimento
  • Tainá Marcelle Rodrigues Rocha
Keywords: COVID-19, Artistic anatomy, Online social networking, Education primary and scondary


The COVID-19 disease pandemic motivated educators to develop online educational strategies associated with art. In this context, through the use of social networks such as Instagram, mainly due to its popularity and for offering fast, easy and democratic access, it would be possible to integrate university and basic education to expand knowledge of body systems. The objective was to present strategies for learning the locomotor and respiratory systems through the Insta- gram social media. It is about an extension action for students from basic education schools in the state of Bahia. Scored and non-scored assignments were carried out from the proposed body systems in the story and feed of the @cbartesuneb project social media. In the scored assignments, students received extra points (cashback cbartes) in the subjects involved in the project. The productions sent by direct message were published, after consent, in the project's Instagram account. The pedagogical strategy proposed through the Instagram social media, during remote and hybrid teaching, made it possible to improve the study of facial muscles and the locomotor system with greater participation when the publication was in the story of the @cbartesuneb’s project account.


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