Urban sketches in small towns in northeastern brazil

  • Eduardo Gomes Machado
  • André Dias
  • Maria Valdelia Carlos Chagas de Freitas
  • Stefania Maria Francolino da Silva
  • Geyse Anne Souza da Silva
Keywords: Small cities, Sketches, Urban, Daily life, Youth


This visual memory presents eight urban sketches made by André Dias, a visual artist from Ceará, in partnership with a research and outreach group located in the University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB). We present eight urban sketches that register two small country towns from Northeastern Brazil, Redenção and Acarape, in Ceará. The sketches will be part of a traveling exposition that will visit public spaces and the schools in two towns, in the aim of effecting learning, building dialogues, valuing knowledge and potential effects in the social production of the urban space. The sketches portray daily situations and scenes from urban spaces, through drawings that articulate different techniques, materials and supports. This experience intertwines outreach and research actions done in two small towns, affected by the implementation of a public federal university that has been deurbanized and internationalized in 2011. We are interested in the daily urban places, situations, and dynamics, taking into account a diversity of agents that, coexisting repeatedly, occupy, use, and make the towns. We highlight the urban student youth, with a great part of them being from other places, cities, and countries, in the aim of understanding how they experience and deal with daily challenges faced in urban spaces. The methodology involved pre-production, production and post-production, described in the text. The methodology, involving pre-production, production and post-production, will be detailed in the text.


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