The reality of women in the pandemic and ways of (re)existing
the role of extension through exhibitions in a virtual university museum
The present work discusses questions about extensionist practices during the reality of the Covid- 19 pandemic in Brazil. Actions carried out by MuDI - Museu Diários do Isolamento, a museum of virtual connections created during the first months of the pandemic, in mid-2020, are analy- zed. The institution, with an interdisciplinary approach, is part of an extension project linked to the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) and the Center for Studies on Museums, Science and Society (NEMuCS). Through its extensionist character, MuDI plays the role of an institutional virtual museum that makes it possible to expand the training of the museologist professional, bringing students to the daily experience of a collaborative institution. Also brought up for discussion is one of the most recent exhibitions, '(RE)Existência: the various places of women in the pandemic' sharing the daily life and the multifaceted aspects of women during the pandemic - the concep- tion had a multidisciplinary team, involving teachers and students from different areas, as well as the participation of scientists and artists who gave their testimonies about their realities in the pandemic context.