Body-movement-game and cultural education

inter-actions of Physical Education in the university extension

Keywords: Physical Education, Corporal practices, Game, cultural education (Bildung), University extension


Physical Education is a hybrid area that brings together, in the same proportion, knowledge from the natural sciences and the human sciences, not to mention the fructiferous dialogue it establishes with the field of Art, especially along the music and choreography artistic forms. Like any other field of knowledge, Physical Education is guided by the principle of inseparability provided for in article 207 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, developing teaching, research and extension actions. However, it seems to have an “natural talent” to conceive, execute and manage university extension actions, mainly when it goes beyond the limitations of the idea of “physicalactivity” and assumes its long ludic and aesthetic tradition present in the phenomenon of “physicalculture” or “movement culture”. It is in the physical game and through this game, whether through sport, dance, gymnastics, circusor capoeira, that Physical Education regains its potency as a cultural education or Bildung, a highly dynamic and deeply pedagogical and aesthetic process, in the philosophical sense. The Physical Education extension actions are empowered when aligned with the principles and objectives proposed by the National Culture Plan, which is not effective when they remain subjugated to the logic of "exercises prescription". Body practices, the flag ship of Physical Education, are auspicious paths that lead to experience or Erfahrung, revisiting a notion veryd ear to Walter Benjamin's philosophy. In this essay, we present some thoughts on the extensionist inter-actions promoted by departments, faculties and institutes of Physical Education with a focus on the relationship between game, corporal practices and cultural education (Bildung).


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Author Biography

José Rafael Madureira, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. Diamantina, MG. Brasil.
Professor-pesquisador associado na UFVJM - Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri.


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