Extension action "online" with the practice of hatha yoga in Diamantina-MG
Hatha Yoga is one of the most traditional styles of yoga in the world. In addition to body practice, it can be understood as a philosophical and practical way of life that seeks an integral and dynamic perception of the body, mind and environment. During the COVID-2019 pandemic, the situation of insecurity and stress imposed over a long time of social isolation, a parallel epidemic manifested from the huge number of cases of mental disorders. The extension project: “Therapeutic Postures and Movements Practices Based on Hatha Yoga” (PROEXC-UFVJM/Diamantina-MG); since the Covid-19 pandemic, it has developed integrative health activities through the “online'' remote mode. The objective of the project is to give virtual access to the practice and development of body awareness based on some of the principles of Hatha Yoga. Two weekly practices are carried out from video conferencing calls using the Google Meet platform. The methodology of conducting the virtual classes is directed to an attentive perception and recognition of one's own body limits and skills during the execution of the movements. It has been observed that the corporal practice developed in the particular context of their own homes, demands from the participant a greater commitment to the state of presence, attention and self-observation, in addition to bringing benefits from the daily context of each one. Participants report feeling free, aware of their own progress and less compared to other practitioners. The development of this project contributes to the field of study and integration between research, teaching and extension. In addition supports the goals of public health policies and favors better living conditions and citizenship.
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