especialización, burocratización y descualificación

  • Fernando Gil Villa
Keywords: teaching, de-qualificatio, educational system


The following communication makes a review of some of the most discussed aspects about conditions in which teaching is developed. First, while some may consider specialization as something negative mainly because drom an ethical perspective it is regarded as a tendency toward a criticised technocracy; others don’t contemplate such incompatibilyty. Secondly, there is the analysis of the arguments from individuals that consider teaching activities’ bureaucratization as a threat, and up to what degree it causes obstacles to the objective of participation of the various scholl actors. At last, the tendency toward a possible de-qualification of the teacher’s work is presented. As well as in the other cases, the analysis suggests that the negative effects of these tendencies upon profession may be overemphasized in the literature due to their rethoric use. This suggests new investigations to explore the social and cultural factors that explain the present teaching profession situation from the outside of the educational system.


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