discussão conceptual e pesquisa em educação

  • Alceu Ravanello Ferraro
  • Avelino da Rosa Oliveira
  • Marlene Ribeiro
Keywords: education, exclusion, paradigm


Under the title The “paradigm” of exclusion: conceptual discussion and research in education, the authors assemble three texts presented in a symposium at 51th Anual Meeting of SBPC (Brazilian Society for the Progress of Sciences). In the first one, FERRARO shows the results of a diagnosis of schooling in Brazil, grounded on the notions of exclusion from school and exclusion in school. Next, OLIVEIRA discusses and shows the limits of both the model in-out, of Alain Touraine, and the concept outsiders, of Howard Becker. In the third text, RIBEIRO asserts that the concept of exclusion does not have the capability either to explain the processes which make unviable the access and remaining in school or to apprehend the new perspectives that popular movements point out to education.


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