• José Contreras Domingo
Keywords: schools, alternative school, education, alternative education


In this essay I discuss the possibility of other schools since the image that professionals and general public have got of the school is that of a place where one is taught instead of that of a place where one learns. Also, that a sequencial order is required and that the activity in the classroom happens through variants of a fixed principle: everyone does the same thing, simultaneously and in the same way, to get to the same place. Nevertheless, there are other schools that are not a model to follow because they are not a model, but an inspiration for the search and the creation of other forms and possibilities which can extend the creative imagination and push it out of the vicious circle of the critic to find that we only have negative energy as reactive opposition. When showing other spaces, times, relationships, knowledge and forms of experience, other possibilities show up, as well as new problems and circumstances that lead us to think again about what childhood is, our relation to it, what we wish for the children, the future and the present, the society and the world, and our presence in it.


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