the daily life narratives as support to the teaching of history and geography in the initial series of the basic teaching

  • Luiz Alberto de Souza Marques
Keywords: Life stories, Environmental study, History, History teaching, Italian culture, Daily life


This work presents the outcomes of a research carried out with 15 elementary school teachers in four communities of Bento Gonçalves and Garibaldi counties, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The aim of this study was the construction of a methodological proposal of initiation to the teaching of History and Geography in the initial series of the Basic Teaching – Study of the Way–, intend to intervene in the ethnic and cultural identity perception based on the local values and taking the experiences of life in family and in community as a sustenance, through the space, time and group relations. The choice of this region owed to the fact of the involved ones – students, teachers, officials and community – are immigrants' descendants. The teachers received texts of researchers, anthropologists and historians of the Italian culture in Rio Grande do Sul, to be supplied of knowledge on the local and regional history, complementing, so, the information contained in the text books. A study of ethnographic hallmark, represented by a set of demonstrations, favored the understanding of the modifications occurred in the space – resultant forces of a model of occupation and of construction of the local societies through the time – providing to the students the formation of his own space-time concepts, based on the study of his ancestors, basically in the initiation to the historical and geographical knowledge.


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