reflective practice as narratives of the institutional life

  • Flávia Obino Corrêa Werle
Keywords: Institutional history, reflective practice in situations of school administration, public school


This text reflects about the life of a state school and its actors. Along the whole paper, narratives, writings, reflections about living experieneces and happenings are being analyzed. Diversified documental sources sustain this reflection, whose analysis axis is narrative as reflective practice and the exercise of registration of both, the personal and institutional life, an important mobililizing element of interpretations, decisions and world views. It is a text that speaks of the life of public teachers and the institutions in which they have worked, how they perceived, what they valued, how they communicated and what they decided to leave as the history, both theirs and of he institution in which they have been active. It shows that there are many ways of reflective practice, and that it can occur in institutions, situations, daily life aspects, as well as in events and hierarchiquic-institutional relationships.


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