impacts in education, environment and health

  • Adriana Franzoi
  • Nelma Baldin
Keywords: Diary 21 School (D21S), Environmental Education (EE), Environment


This study is based on the 15º chapter of the Diary 21 of Joinville County/SC, which cares of the  Environmental Education". The research application resulted on implementation of the "Diary 21Scholar" in the Basic Education School "Olavo Bilac", in the Pirabeiraba community (Joinville). For the implementation, four methodologies was used (theoretical notions, experiences and educationalpedagogical knowledge), being two national and two international. The theoretical reinforcement occurred by means of three basic principles (education, environment and health), considering that the application of those principles enabled positive results, in improvements in the school. During the implementation of the D21S process the students indicated the negative environmental impacts founded by them and the direction take the responsibility in minimize those points. The work aimed to improve the conditions of study, work and leisure. 


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