how the orthography teaching is going?

  • Jorge Luís Lira da Silva
Keywords: orthography teaching, portuguese textbook, orthography


This study intend to check out the treatment dispensed to the orthography by the Portuguese Textbooks (PT) of the elementary teach final series, on the axis of the linguistic analyze. We analyzed two sets of Portuguese Textbooks approved in 2005 by the Textbook National Program (TNP) and their respective teacher’s manuals. We focused the following issues: was there a systematic teaching of orthography throughout the grades? How did the teachers’ manuals conceive orthography learning? Was there a differential treatment for regular and irregular orthography cases? Was there a teaching aimed at words segmentation and diacritics’ use? The obtained data showed that the systematic normative orthography teaching still has a long way to walk, and has to be considered the orthography as a knowledge object which one needs to be transformed in a teaching object, didactically thought.


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