As representações do colono em Erechim em Gatos à Paisana (1962) de Gladstone Osório Mársico

  • Gláucia Elisa Zinani Rodrigues
Keywords: Representations, Colonist, Undercover cats, Gladstone Osório Mársico


The article analyzes the representations of the colonist in the novel, Undercover cats by Gladstone Osório Mársico (1927-1976), the proposal analyzes the representations of the colony and the colonists of a municipality in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul in the midtwentieth century, from Undercover cats published in 1962, it contains knowledge about the period (1900-1962), in Erechim, in the narrative fictitiously named as Boa Vista. The study, in theoretical and methodological terms, dialogues with Cultural History and is situated on the border between Literature and History. The Roger Chartier of Bibliographic Literature Sources, Oral Source and Includes for the Analysis Representation Design Concept.


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How to Cite
Elisa Zinani Rodrigues, G. (2023). As representações do colono em Erechim em Gatos à Paisana (1962) de Gladstone Osório Mársico. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(13), 250-266.