Formação literária de uma nova nação

a história do teatro e o pré-romantismo no Brasil (1808-1836)

  • Victor Augusto Mendonça Guasti
Keywords: Pre-romanticism, Theater history, Brazilian literature, Imperial period


This article aims to discuss the formation process of the Pre-Romantic movement in literature and theater in Brazil, which began with the arrival of the Royal Family (1808) and lasted until 1836. fact that it is in this interval that the foundations of a genuinely Brazilian literature are laid. The passage from Arcadianism to Romanticism occurred at the same time that Brazil was undergoing profound political changes. Therefore, contrary to what was stated by the great critics of literature and theater of the 19th and 20th centuries, the works published during this period are not poor in content or copies of Portuguese production, but present the defense of liberal values and nationalism, using based on the Arcadian framework, but with a more popular and oralized language and less concern with the textual structure.


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How to Cite
Augusto Mendonça Guasti, V. (2023). Formação literária de uma nova nação: a história do teatro e o pré-romantismo no Brasil (1808-1836). Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(13), 218-231.