Uma reflexão weberiana sobre o Bolsonarismo
o mito da mediocridade
This paper proposes a discussion on Messianism in Bolsonarism, through a theoretical discussion on Max Weber's texts, in the first part, and chi-square statistical tests on categorical variables in the Latinobarómetro database, in the second. Thus, even though the theoretical Weberian basis is the north, the statistical tests employed in the last section corroborate the arguments presented, by highlighting some of the reasons for Bolsonaro - and consequent messianism - reception. Finally, it is concluded, as the tests show, that the association between variables such as support for democracy, fear of the future and the high rate of disillusionment against a political elite, provided an adequate environment for the rise of the prophet, a tool that Bolsonaro knew how to use shrewdly to form a sect.