Mundos do Trabalho infantil

Registros de uma fotógrafa imigrante

  • Maria Clara Lysakowski Hallal
  • Taiane Mendes Taborda
Keywords: Worlds of child labor, Photographs, Hildegard Rosenthal


This article aims to investigate how Hildegard Rosenthal - an immigrant photographer - captured a specific group of inhabitants/occupants of the city of São Paulo in 1940: the young workers who carried out their activities in the city of São Paulo. For this, we used three photographs and for the analysis to be effective, we employed a method based on two stages, being the first: "Photographic technical processes", and the second: "Photographic interpretative processes". As conclusions, we understand that the photographer's records help us to understand the world of work in the 1940s and, moreover, it makes us uncomfortable and makes us reflect about the specific situation of this portrayed group - young people, mostly non-white, from a lower class, who performed their remunerated activities in an informal way, without social security mechanisms.


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How to Cite
Clara Lysakowski Hallal, M., & Mendes Taborda, T. (2023). Mundos do Trabalho infantil: Registros de uma fotógrafa imigrante. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(13), 117-132.