Trabalho produtivo e reprodutivo

apontamentos feministas acerca do trabalho em O Capital (Livro I)

  • Victoria Carvalho Junqueira
Keywords: Reproductive labor, Marxist feminism, Women's history


For the past few decades, Marxist feminism, black feminism and decolonial feminism have shed new light into Marx’s work, using his theory and methodology to bring class criticism to the debates regarding race and gender. This paper contrasts my readings of Capital Volume I with these feminist theories, in order to rethink women’s oppression and class struggles alongside sex, mainly through reproductive labor theory and the sexual division of labor. Black and decolonial feminists, on the other hand, point to colorblindness on Marx’s, marxist and marxist-feminist works.


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How to Cite
Carvalho Junqueira, V. (2023). Trabalho produtivo e reprodutivo: apontamentos feministas acerca do trabalho em O Capital (Livro I). Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(13), 99-116.