Possibilidades teórico-metodológicas entre raça (cor) e sindicalismo

pautas do Centro Operário de Barra Mansa-RJ como amostragens (1930)

  • Thompson Clímaco Alves
Keywords: Race, Unionism, Black Working class, Barra Mansa


The present work is the result of some initial considerations of a research in progress. Thus, there is no interest in presenting hasty conclusions or partial results. That said, the intention of the article is to discuss, in a propositional way, the relations between race and unionism from some guidelines of the Centro Operário de Barra Mansa during the 1930s. For this, it is used debates from the labor history (from the most traditional to the most recent) about unionism in the 1930s, as well as the criticism to the absence of race in the debates of the area. In addition, theoretical and methodological possibilities are presented in order to approach issues present in the unions, which apparently are not linked to race directly, such as: rural workers unionization, primary education and medical assistance.


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How to Cite
Clímaco Alves, T. (2023). Possibilidades teórico-metodológicas entre raça (cor) e sindicalismo: pautas do Centro Operário de Barra Mansa-RJ como amostragens (1930). Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(13), 82-98. https://doi.org/10.15210/clio.v7i13.5648