Recuperando a fala?

As contribuições das pesquisas em processos trabalhistas para a reafirmação da classe trabalhadora brasileira enquanto sujeito de sua própria história no pós-1930

  • Luiz Eduardo Domingues dos Santos Souza da Silva


Over the last few years, the number of studies that, within the scope of the so-called social history of work, have sought in the processes of the Labor Court, a source through which one can broaden the understanding of the experiences of Brazilian male and female workers. in the fight for their rights, starting in the 1930s. If, on the one hand, these works have been revealing the richness of this type of source, which often goes beyond the labor dispute itself, on the other hand, they have helped to advance a process that already It has a few decades of revision of certain interpretations of our historiography with regard to the complex relationship between the working class and the State, especially from the mid-twentieth century. This article proposes, therefore, to present some of these studies and some of the contributions they have made to this field of study.


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How to Cite
Eduardo Domingues dos Santos Souza da Silva, L. (2023). Recuperando a fala? : As contribuições das pesquisas em processos trabalhistas para a reafirmação da classe trabalhadora brasileira enquanto sujeito de sua própria história no pós-1930. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(13), 66-81.