“É preciso que nós artistas, como uma boa porção do povo brasileiro, lutemos contra essa subserviência...”

A organização dos trabalhadores e o pleito de 15 de setembro de 1890 no Ceará

  • Taynara Raquel Rodrigues dos Anjos
Keywords: Ceará, Republic, Workers


In the context of political (re)organization inaugurated by the proclamation of the Republic, groups with different political cultures, former monarchist leaders, workers, and positivist republicans disputed the 1890s election for the Constituent Assembly. Taking this situation into account, this article focuses on the discussion about the organization of workers amid intra-oligarchic disputes and the participation of these subjects in the September 15, 1890 election in Ceará. To do that, three newspapers representing press organizations from different political associations in Ceará were selected as subjects of analysis: the Libertador, the Cearense, and the Estado do Ceará. The theoretical reflections that help us analyze these subjects are situated in the Cultural History of Politics field.


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How to Cite
Raquel Rodrigues dos Anjos, T. (2023). “É preciso que nós artistas, como uma boa porção do povo brasileiro, lutemos contra essa subserviência.”: A organização dos trabalhadores e o pleito de 15 de setembro de 1890 no Ceará. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(13), 15-29. https://doi.org/10.15210/clio.v7i13.5632