
a repercussão da construção do século na imprensa brasileira

  • Henrique Knebel Visnievski
  • Rafaela Silveira
Keywords: Brasília, Press, Juscelino Kubitscheck


The ambitious construction of Brasília marked the 1950s. This article highlights the importance of the press in the 1950s and aims to analyze the reverberation of the change of capital in Diário de Notícias and Jornal do Brasil. For this research, questions were used that guided the article: How was the construction of Brasília reported in the Brazilian press? How did the Brazilian population react to a large-scale project? What is the editorial profile of the newspapers used? To answer these questions, basic research methods were used: bibliographic research and content analysis. The analysis and discussion of these materials help to understand how the newspapers approached the advertisement, the construction and inauguration of Brasília, as
well as their influences and their particularities as political actors.


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How to Cite
Knebel Visnievski, H., & Silveira, R. (2023). Brasília: a repercussão da construção do século na imprensa brasileira. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 338-355.
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