História indígena no Brasil

balanço histórico do conflito pela terra a partir do final do século XIX e sua regionalização em Pinhalzinho (Tomazina/PR)

  • Giovana Eloá Mantovani Mulza
Keywords: Indigenous lands, Conflicts, Indigenous history in Brazil


The Brazilian indigenist policy did not constitute something uniform throughout the country's history, varying as the historical context of Brazil changed. It is known, however, that the expropriation of indigenous lands was a constant phenomenon in the national reality, perpetuating itself until contemporary times. Despite the theoretically protective measures of the natives and their properties, a historical balance allows us to verify that the land conflict
was inherent to the indigenous history. The purpose of this text is precisely to delve into the history of Brazilian indigenous lands, seeking to understand how the State proceeded in its expropriation or protection.


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How to Cite
Eloá Mantovani Mulza, G. (2023). História indígena no Brasil: balanço histórico do conflito pela terra a partir do final do século XIX e sua regionalização em Pinhalzinho (Tomazina/PR). Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 306-317. https://doi.org/10.15210/clio.v7i12.4704
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