Escrever para fugir da morte

a trajetória literária de Evandro Affonso Ferreira e as sensibilidades do tempo presente

  • Juliano Lima Schualtz
Keywords: Evandro Affonso Ferreira, Contemporary brazilian literature, History, Sensibilities, Present time


This article intends to problematize the contemporary Brazilian writer Evandro Affonso Ferreira (1945-). In two moments, firstly his initial trajectory, called the word life and the role of writing. Later on, his second phase of literary production, named man-death, composed his trilogy of despair. Consisting of the books; My mother killed herself without saying goodbye (2010), The beggar who knew by heart the adages of Erasmus of Rotterdam (2012) and The
worst days of my life were all (2014). I will analyze in all three novels the sensibilities of the present time, specifically mourning, death, and precariousness. To this end, I will conduct an interdisciplinar investigation.


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How to Cite
Lima Schualtz, J. (2023). Escrever para fugir da morte: a trajetória literária de Evandro Affonso Ferreira e as sensibilidades do tempo presente. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 276-290.
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