O arquivo pessoal do professor Walter Fernando Piazza

honrarias de um educador catarinense

  • Vinícius Bosignari
Keywords: Personal files, Walter Fernando Piazza, Honors, Material sources


Teachers' Personal Archives provide an opportunity to understand teaching practices and the
educational context at a given time and place. In this perspective, we aimed to research the collection of the historian and educator from Santa Catarina, Walter Fernando Piazza, especially the objects that make up his “honors”. For the construction of this work we used the specific literature on “Personal Files” and “Material Sources”. As a result, we were able to quantify the “document types”; the origins of the objects, that is, if they come from the academic, political, military or religious scope; and finally, the periods in which the holder received more and less honors.


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How to Cite
Bosignari, V. (2023). O arquivo pessoal do professor Walter Fernando Piazza: honrarias de um educador catarinense. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 213-227. https://doi.org/10.15210/clio.v7i12.4698
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