De Achegas a Reminiscências

vivido, memórias acionadas e reapropriadas de Mons. João Maria Balem (1920-1950)

  • Vanessa Gomes de Campos
Keywords: Memory, Personal collection, Mons, Balem, Porto Alegre Cathedral


This article involves understanding the triggering of the memories of João Maria Balem (1887-
1978), priest of the secular clergy of Porto Alegre, about the period in which he was Director
of the Works of the Cathedral of Porto Alegre. Based on the versions of his text Reminiscences
– The new Cathedral of Porto Alegre (1920-1950), to reflect, inspired by the hermeneutic circle
of Paul Ricoeur, on how Msgr. Balem wrote and reappropriated his memories.


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How to Cite
Gomes de Campos, V. (2023). De Achegas a Reminiscências: vivido, memórias acionadas e reapropriadas de Mons. João Maria Balem (1920-1950). Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 199-212.
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