“Deus, Pátria e Família”

proposta de uma aula de História sobre o fascismo no Brasil

  • Caio Henrique Silva Fernandes
  • Joice Cristiane Machado
Keywords: Supervised history internship, High school, Remote teaching, Fascism in Brazil, Ação integralista brasileira


The article presents the lived experiences during the supervised History internship, carried out remotely - due to the COVID 19 pandemic - within the classes of the 2nd year of high school of the College of Application of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the school year 2021. The objective is to contribute to the discussion about the teaching of history and the historical content of the school about the rise of fascisms in Brazil in the 1930s and in the present time, mainly considering the performance and influence of the Ação Integralista Brasileira (AIB). For this, we used the actions, observations and investigations carried out during the internship period, as well as the planning and teaching materials developed.


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How to Cite
Henrique Silva Fernandes, C., & Cristiane Machado, J. (2023). “Deus, Pátria e Família”: proposta de uma aula de História sobre o fascismo no Brasil. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 183-198. https://doi.org/10.15210/clio.v7i12.4696
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