A defesa dos direitos humanos nos tempos da Ditadura Civil-Militar (1964-1985)

a ineficácia dos mecanismos institucionais e a vigilância dos grupos e movimentos sociais de direitos humanos

  • Leonardo Fetter da Silva
Keywords: Human rights, Civil-military dictatorship, Vigilance


The civil-military dictatorship represented a time of great challenge for human rights in Brazil.
The military has put in place a repressive project against the leftists and other opposing groups
since the 1964 civil-military coup. Such a project dragged society into a growing amount of violence. More than that, the dictatorship also began to control the channels of denunciation of violations and crimes committed by the repressive apparatus, especially the Council for the
Defense of the Rights of the Human Person, and to monitor groups and movements of human rights. Therefore, this article proposes to analyze these two instances: the control and ineffectiveness of institutional channels of reporting crimes and violations, as well as the surveillance of social human rights movements carried out by the information and repressive agencies of the Brazilian dictatorship.


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How to Cite
Fetter da Silva, L. (2023). A defesa dos direitos humanos nos tempos da Ditadura Civil-Militar (1964-1985): a ineficácia dos mecanismos institucionais e a vigilância dos grupos e movimentos sociais de direitos humanos. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 162-182. https://doi.org/10.15210/clio.v7i12.4695
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