As imagens da ditadura civil-militar brasileira

um olhar sobre a propaganda oficial nos cinejornais da Agência Nacional (1964-1979)

  • Isadora Dutra de Freitas
Keywords: Civil-military dictatorship, National agency, Newsreels, Political propaganda, Optimism


The Brazilian civil-military dictatorship (1964-1985) invested heavily in institutions
responsible for producing its official self-image. The systematization of propaganda through
communication vehicles collaborated with the production of optimistic representations about the dictatorial regime. In this sense, the National Agency acted as the main government information agency. This article, which composes a brief synthesis of the research carried out in the master's degree, has as its main objective to analyze the official representation of the dictatorship in the newsreels of the National Agency, produced between 1964-1979. We seek to identify the intricacies of political discourse and visuality that composed these media. By silencing controversial issues to the dictatorial State, representations aligned with the authoritarian project were elaborated, above all, exalting the developmental project.
authoritarian project were elaborated, above all, exalting the developmental project.


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How to Cite
Dutra de Freitas, I. (2023). As imagens da ditadura civil-militar brasileira: um olhar sobre a propaganda oficial nos cinejornais da Agência Nacional (1964-1979). Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 142-161.
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