Anticomunismo, antissemitismo e atentados de extrema-direita na abertura da ditadura civil-militar

  • José Airton de Farias
Keywords: Opening of the civil-military dictatorship, Far-right attacks, Anti-communism and anti-semitism


Anti-communism was, above all, in the early decades of the 20th century, linked to antiSemitism. For several conservative groups, the Israeli people were part of an international
conspiracy aimed at the expansion of communism. In the process of opening the Brazilian civilmilitary dictatorship, from the end of the 1970s, individuals and groups of the extreme right carried out several terrorist attacks, believing that the mobilizations in favor of democracy
would have included a communist project of social insertion and power takeover. The extremists even attacked and threatened Jews and Israeli entities, taking into account the support that part of the Jewish community expressed for the democratization of the country. In parallel, they carried out proselytizing in favor of Nazism, through graffiti, pamphlets and even with organizations of political groups.
organizations of political groups


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How to Cite
Airton de Farias, J. (2023). Anticomunismo, antissemitismo e atentados de extrema-direita na abertura da ditadura civil-militar. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 123-141.
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