Perspectiva comparada dos processos de transição para a democracia e disputas pela memória das ditaduras entre Brasil e Argentina

  • Laura Bittencourt Alves
Keywords: Transition processes, Memory disputes, Civil-military dictatorships


This article, through a review of recent literature on the subject, revisits the transition processes
to democracy in Brazil and Argentina. Identifies, through a comparative perspective, the
similarities and differences in both processes, specifically on the themes related to memory
disputes. To understand such clashes, is used the concept of Structure of Meaning by the
Argentine sociologist Malena Silveyra, and the recent productions of the Brazilian historian,
Marcos Napolitano. In the end, is understood that despite being unfinished, the Argentina
transition process represented great legal, social and political advances when compared to the
Brazilian one.


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How to Cite
Bittencourt Alves, L. (2023). Perspectiva comparada dos processos de transição para a democracia e disputas pela memória das ditaduras entre Brasil e Argentina. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 92-106.
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