“Um homem pobre como eu não deve amar”

desigualdade social na canção romântica brasileira da década de 1970

  • Matheus Bomfim e Silva
Keywords: Song, Military dictatorship, Class issues, Brega, Cheesy


In discussions about music during the military dictatorship, only one group of artists is
prioritized: the famous MPB. This occurs to the detriment of other artists, such as the so-called
“tacky”, mistreated by the musical critics of the time and forgotten or read as alienated and/or
without relevance by the historiography of the military dictatorship. However, with the analysis
of some songs recorded by Waldick Soriano and Fernando Mendes, we realized that issues
involving social inequality were addressed by this less prioritized segment, being successful
among the impoverished layer of the country, with their artists also coming from it. Such artists
sang how social inequalities intertwine with affective feelings.


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How to Cite
Bomfim e Silva, M. (2023). “Um homem pobre como eu não deve amar”: desigualdade social na canção romântica brasileira da década de 1970. Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 62-74. https://doi.org/10.15210/clio.v7i12.4689
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