Vivas e louvores à ditadura

a elite política e a construção de representações legitimadoras do regime militar em Campo Maior-PI (1964-1978)

  • Caio Vinicius Silva Teixeira


This article aims to analyze the representations built by members of the Campo Maior political
elite about the civil-military dictatorship in order to legitimize this regime before the local
society. We noticed that there was a rapid adhesion of the Campo Maior-PI political elite soon
after the outbreak of the 1964 coup that overthrew President João Goulart and the democratic
regime then lived in the country. We consider that such support was given due to the political
culture of Campo Maior and we will discuss this issue in the light of the theoretical
contributions of Bernstein (1997) and Motta (2009). In this study, we will mainly use sources
produced by the Campo Maior government (1964-1978), analyzing them from the existing
historiography about the period studied.


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How to Cite
Vinicius Silva Teixeira, C. (2023). Vivas e louvores à ditadura: a elite política e a construção de representações legitimadoras do regime militar em Campo Maior-PI (1964-1978). Revista Discente Ofícios De Clio, 7(12), 40-61.
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