Moralidades em disputa

Conflitos socioambientais na comunidade pesqueira do Araçá em Porto Belo SC

  • Silvia Beatriz Mendonça Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Keywords: traditional communities; socio-environmental conflicts; moralities.


This text is the product of analyzes resulting from field research in the traditional community of Vila do Araçá, in Porto Belo/SC/Brazil. The central objective of this was to access the knowledge systems and ways of organizing this village to develop fishing activities that promote the daily livelihood of their families. We seek to understand community relations and the feeling of belonging to this geographic space. Accessing then the relationship of these people with the territory and use they make of the ecosystem, we seek to verify if there are interferences generated from the installation of Conservation Units in the territory of the community, their relationship with the environmental legislation that since the 1930s restrict fishing practices that were once common, as well as the proc


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