Repertórios de luta de mulheres latino-americanas durante a pandemia

Keywords: Repertoires, Gender, Latinoamerican Women, Pandemics


The protagonism of women and the multiple Latin American feminisms throughout the pandemic characterize the popular struggle of the period. We observe an inventive and multiplier process of mobilized repertoires with an accentuated decolonial turn. The purpose of this  work was to deal with the trajectory of feminist movements in Latin America, pointing to the emergence of different repertoires in processes of continuity, rupture and updating. From this socio-historical and theoretical development and from the analysis of the data contained in the monitoring of social movements in different countries of the region, which we carried out within the scope of the Observatory of Social Movements in Latin America (OMSAL), we approached interesting conclusions: (a) the action repertoires of feminist movements opened up crucial elements for understanding the period of the pandemic on the continent and its impacts on social and political life; (b) the lives of women, especially black women, suffered a different impact from the pandemic in different areas; (c) the global scenario of growing authoritarianism, militarization, the rise of the extreme right, and a strong anti-feminist discourse and nostalgia for dictatorial periods made feminism a central target and resistance; (d) the dynamics of affection of feminist movements rebuild social ties and solidarity actions.


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